Thursday, August 21, 2008

German Discipline & Design

You will be amazed at the way most of the Germans (I refer to ‘most' of them because there are exceptions everywhere ) follow the rules. They follow the rules as if it were written on stone.

  • When the signal is red, irrespective of the traffic, they stop. On the contrary, in India I could not dare to cross the road even 5 seconds after the signal turns green for pedestrians.
  • I happen to be in a bus that was following another bus very closely. At one of the bus-stops both the buses stopped but our bus didn't open the doors. The reason being the bus I was in was just few feet away from the sidewalk that assists people to get off the bus comfortably. After 2 minutes when the bus occupied the right spot at the stop, the doors were opened for passengers. This is a total contrast to what we see at Bangalore bus stops. In similar situation at Bangalore, the bus driver would have stopped the bus parallel to the one already halted and would have blocked the road. I do remember few accidents that happened due to such ‘improper parking' of buses.

Their thought process:

  • I had been to a doctor for my back sprain. Then I went to a medical store (‘Apotheke') with the prescription. The lady at the shop asked me twice if I am aware of the procedure for taking medicine (dosage, how to consume it?) and then only handed me over the medicine.
  • The pack of the medicine had a space/field for writing down dosage information on it.
  • The name of the medicine was also written in Braille to assist visually impaired people.